Hijri dates are based on the moon phase or lunar phase.
Lunar calendar has 355 or 356 Days compared to the Solar 365 or 366 days in a leap year.

It is better compared to lunar calendar because,
Imagine you spent a Ramdan in hot peak summer and It is quite hectic, if Ramadan is always in hot peak summer it will be always hectic.
Example: Here summer starts from March to May
If Ramadan in 2024 starts from 13th March it will end around 10-12th of April.
in the year 2025 Ramadan will start around march 2nd or 3rd as the lunar is 10 days less than solar.
so evey year 10 days behind so in 2030 ramadan will go around 50-60 days behind so it will be in January. I hope you understood.
In a life time of 30+ Years a Human will experience Ramadan in every season. Summer, Winter, Monsoon, Fall Etc.
Another benefit of following hijri Calendar is you will have the idea that the time of the days, weeks or months passing is normal and you will not feel like oh its Friday again how quickly friday came again.
Thats why we were asked to follow Hijri calendar.

Based on my personal experiece and to serve the community i have designed a Hijri calendar where i am prioritizing on the Hijri Year, Months, Dates and events first and then the Gregorian(Solar) Calendar.
With my calendar you can check many things like.
Mon and Thursday Fasting
White Days Fasting
Beautiful Saying for every month
Moon phase on each calendar date
Hijri Month name along with year
Events such as Eid, fasting on important events such as Ashura and more.
This will help you stay organized and follow a disciplined daily life.
I also sell the calendar for a very low price of 1 USD and i also offer it for free.
If you want to purchase, please use this link for my Etsy store.
if you want it for free please contact me i will share the files or can download from the link to the google drive here.
If you like this and are willing to help me the only thing you can do is share it to as much as you can.
I am not using any Arabic names of Allah SWT or any thing as if this is printed and later after a year it goes to waste so i am avoiding such things.
I am just including the benefits of the Hijri calendar from my store. You can skip this as most of the things are mentioned above.
Why Choose Our Hijri and Gregorian Calendar?
• Dual Format: Combines both Hijri and Gregorian dates for easy reference.
• Beautiful Design: Clean and aesthetically pleasing layout.
• Comprehensive: Includes major Islamic events and public holidays.
• Instant Access: Download immediately after purchase.
• Versatile Use: Ideal for personal, educational, and professional purposes.
What’s Included:
• A complete calendar for Hijri year 1446 and Gregorian years 2024-2025
• Formats: PDF for easy printing and digital use
• High-resolution files for crisp, clear printing